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Climate Rights and Remedies Project

About us

The CRRP was set up in 2020 as a research project at the University of Zurich. Please stay tuned here and sign up for our newsletter for exciting things to come.

In memoriam: Dr. iur., Dr. iur. h.c. Ursula Brunner RA

The CRRP is made possible by the legacy of Dr. iur., Dr. iur. h.c. Ursula Brunner RA.

Dr. Brunner (1950–2019) was a lawyer, legal academic, and expert on environmental law whose career spanned both legal practice and academic research. She was a founding partner in the firm of ettlersuter and a leading expert in environmental law who contributed to the development of the field in various ways. For a full profile of Dr. Brunner, please click here

Project Management

The project is managed by Prof. Dr. iur. Helen Keller, LL.M., and Dr. iur. Corina Heri, LL.M., at the University of Zurich. 
