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The CRRP is proud to host the Ursula Brunner Lecture series, which was initiated in honor of the late Dr. iur Dr. h.c. Ursula Brunner by Prof. Dr. Helen Keller and Prof. Dr. Johannes Reich, together with Dr. Corina Heri and MLaw Evin Yesilöz, in 2021.
On Thursday, 26 September 2024, we are pleased to welcome Prof. Hedwig Richter (University of the Bundeswehr Munich), who will be holding the seventh Ursula Brunner Lecture. More information will be made available here.
On Tuesday, 8 April 2025, we are pleased to welcome Prof. Ole W. Pedersen (Aarhus University), who will be holding the eighth Ursula Brunner Lecture. More information will be made available here.
The inaugural lecture in the Brunner Lecture Series took place at the University of Zurich on 16 November 2021. For more information and to view the recording of this event, click here.
The second Ursula Brunner Lecture was held by Prof. Dr. Christoph Rehmann-Sutter (University of Lübeck) on 29 March 2022. To find out more and watch the full video recording of this event, which took place in German, click here.
The third Ursula Brunner Lecture was held on Tuesday, 8 November 2022, by Prof. Dr. Surabhi Ranganathan (Cambridge) on "The Ocean in the Time of Climate Crises". Prof. Anna Petrig (Basel) provided a comment. More information on the third Brunner Lecture, and to view the recording of this event, clickhere.
The fourth Ursula Brunner Lecture was held on Tuesday, 25 April 2023, by Prof. Dr. Jutta Brunnée (Toronto). Prof. Brunnée spoke (in German) on the topic of "Völkerrecht und Klimaschutz: Am Abgrund?". Prof. Dr. Helen Keller provided a comment. More information on the fourth Brunner Lecture, as well as a video recording, is available here.
The fifth Ursula Brunner Lecture took place on Friday, 22 September 2023. We were pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Lavanya Rajamani (University of Oxford), who spoke on the topic of "Future-proofing the UN Climate Regime in a Rapidly Warming World". More information about this Lecture, including a video recording, is available here.
The sixth Ursula Brunner Lecture took place on Tuesday, 14 May 2024. We were pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Christina Voigt (Oslo), who spoke about "Klimabedingte Schäden im Völkerrecht: Wer ist schuld und wer zahlt?". More information on this lecture is available here.
The CRRP also hosts other events, including conferences, workshops and seminars.
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